Wednesday May 03, 2023
Unshaken faith when I desperately need a miracle [UNSHAKEN 17]
Wednesday May 03, 2023
Wednesday May 03, 2023
While we might not like to be in need and unable to fix our problems, it is in those moments that if we turn to God, He can come through and do what only He can do.
I believe we all have areas in our life where we desperately need a miracle. In 2 Kings 4:1-7 we encounter a widow who knew that her only chance to get out of her difficult circumstance was a miracle. This episode will show us why and how she was able to experience God at work in a powerful way.
I hope this podcast will remind you of who God is and invite you to believe Him for the miracle you need.
Lina AbuJamra founded Living with Power Ministries and is a popular Bible teacher, podcaster, and conference speaker. She's also the host of a radio show and the author of several books, including Fractured Faith and the forthcoming Bible Study series, Mapping the Footsteps of God. Lina is a pediatric ER doctor who practices telemedicine and in her “spare” time, she provides medical care and humanitarian help to Syrian refugees and others in disaster areas. Learn more about her at LivingWithPower.org.
Follow on Insta: linaabujamraFollow on facebook: Lina AbujamraFollow on Twitter: @LinaAbujamra
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Unshaken faith when I really want to quit [UNSHAKEN 16]
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Do you feel discouraged, worn out, or even defeated? Are you on the verge of quitting?
Listen to today’s podcast on how God encountered Elijah when he felt at his lowest. God’s love and His truth are able to awaken you to His purposes for your life and propel you again in the abundant life that is yours in Christ. Don't miss this episode!
Lina AbuJamra founded Living with Power Ministries and is a popular Bible teacher, podcaster, and conference speaker. She's also the host of a radio show and the author of several books, including Fractured Faith and the forthcoming Bible Study series, Mapping the Footsteps of God. Lina is a pediatric ER doctor who practices telemedicine and in her “spare” time, she provides medical care and humanitarian help to Syrian refugees and others in disaster areas. Learn more about her at LivingWithPower.org.
Follow on Insta: linaabujamraFollow on facebook: Lina AbujamraFollow on Twitter: @LinaAbujamra
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
Unshaken faith when the river dries up [UNSHAKEN #15]
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
In 1 Kings 17 we encounter the prophet Elijah announcing a great draught that will have an adverse impact on the whole land of Israel. As a result, he must rely on the provision of the Lord for survival, but even the brook he is led to by God dries up soon enough.
What in your life looks like it’s drying up right now?
Are you confused when the obedience in your life leads to suffering?
What is God doing in us when he allows us to go through difficult seasons?
In today’s podcast we will see how God is at work through our greatest struggles to make us into the persons He can entrust with greater power and kingdom impact.
Lina AbuJamra founded Living with Power Ministries and is a popular Bible teacher, podcaster, and conference speaker. She's also the host of a radio show and the author of several books, including Fractured Faith and the forthcoming Bible Study series, Mapping the Footsteps of God. Lina is a pediatric ER doctor who practices telemedicine and in her “spare” time, she provides medical care and humanitarian help to Syrian refugees and others in disaster areas. Learn more about her at LivingWithPower.org.
Follow on Insta: linaabujamraFollow on facebook: Lina AbujamraFollow on Twitter: @LinaAbujamra
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
Unshaken faith when God’s will becomes confusing [UNSHAKEN #14]
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
Today we’re returning to a teaching series on unshaken faith where we look at stories of men and women in the Bible who in the midst of their trials learned to stand unshaken no matter what. (You can listen to previous episodes here).
Have you ever felt God’s will to be confusing in your life? How do you respond when you start out thinking God has called you to something and things don’t end up turning out like you thought they would?
Look with me today to David’s story in 1 Samuel 22 and see that although God’s will might look confusing sometimes, He is constant, steady, in control and is simply using the pain and disappointment in our life to propel us to the next chapter in our story.
Lina AbuJamra founded Living with Power Ministries and is a popular Bible teacher, podcaster, and conference speaker. She's also the host of a radio show and the author of several books, including Fractured Faith and the forthcoming Bible Study series, Mapping the Footsteps of God. Lina is a pediatric ER doctor who practices telemedicine and in her “spare” time, she provides medical care and humanitarian help to Syrian refugees and others in disaster areas. Learn more about her at LivingWithPower.org.
Follow on Insta: linaabujamraFollow on facebook: Lina AbujamraFollow on Twitter: @LinaAbujamra
Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
When I feel overwhelmed [NEGATIVE EMOTIONS #8]
Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
We all face overwhelming circumstances in our life that make us feel afraid, trapped, helpless, uncertain if we can make it much longer.
Do you feel like your problems are bigger than your abilities? Does it seem like your enemies are stronger than your allies? Are your emotions heavier that you can process?
King Jehoshaphat can relate. In 2 Chronicles 20 we’re told about the time when he got news about an army coming against him and his people, an army he knew he could not win against on his own. He felt overwhelmed, and rightly so. But his response in this situation is remarkable and teaches us some powerful truths about how to deal with our own challenges.
Take a listen to today’s podcast, and may you be reminded of who is with you, and that you are not powerless when your eyes are on God (2 Chron. 20:12).
Lina AbuJamra founded Living with Power Ministries and is a popular Bible teacher, podcaster, and conference speaker. She's also the host of a radio show and the author of several books, including Fractured Faith and the forthcoming Bible Study series, Mapping the Footsteps of God. Lina is a pediatric ER doctor who practices telemedicine and in her “spare” time, she provides medical care and humanitarian help to Syrian refugees and others in disaster areas. Learn more about her at LivingWithPower.org.
Follow on Insta: linaabujamraFollow on facebook: Lina AbujamraFollow on Twitter: @LinaAbujamra
Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
Insecurity, the fruit of self-worship [NEGATIVE EMOTIONS #7]
Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
Have you ever wondered if God can really use you? Have you ever told yourself that you’re not strong enough, equipped enough, resourced enough? You’re not alone.
We all wrestle with feelings of inadequacy and insecurity, but the truth is we don’t need todepend as much on our own abilities than on God’s calling and presence with us.
Today’s podcast will encourage you to stop working harder, and start depending more.
Lina AbuJamra founded Living with Power Ministries and is a popular Bible teacher, podcaster, and conference speaker. She's also the host of a radio show and the author of several books, including Fractured Faith and the forthcoming Bible Study series, Mapping the Footsteps of God. Lina is a pediatric ER doctor who practices telemedicine and in her “spare” time, she provides medical care and humanitarian help to Syrian refugees and others in disaster areas. Learn more about her at LivingWithPower.org.
Follow on Insta: linaabujamraFollow on facebook: Lina AbujamraFollow on Twitter: @LinaAbujamra
Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
Loneliness – the real epidemic of our day [NEGATIVE EMOTIONS #6]
Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
Loneliness is the silent soul killer and the real epidemic of our day, but the truth is we are never left alone!
Though we might be looking for the resolution of our loneliness through other people or activities, God will heal us through the awareness of His presence with us.
If you’re in a season of loneliness, I believe this episode will comfort you and point you to the only relationship that will meet our loneliness.ABOUT:
Lina AbuJamra founded Living with Power Ministries and is a popular Bible teacher, podcaster, and conference speaker. She's also the host of a radio show and the author of several books, including Fractured Faith and the forthcoming Bible Study series, Mapping the Footsteps of God. Lina is a pediatric ER doctor who practices telemedicine and in her “spare” time, she provides medical care and humanitarian help to Syrian refugees and others in disaster areas. Learn more about her at LivingWithPower.org.
Follow on Insta: linaabujamraFollow on facebook: Lina AbujamraFollow on Twitter: @LinaAbujamra
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
Anger. We all feel it and have experienced its destructive force. But how can we get angry and not sin? How can we cultivate more kindness, humility, and self-control? How can we use anger constructively?
In today’s podcast we’re continuing our series on Negative Emotions where we explore the more difficult emotions we’d rather escape. We will look at how to engage your emotions in a healthy and biblically sound way and find the freedom we’re longing for.
Lina AbuJamra founded Living with Power Ministries and is a popular Bible teacher, podcaster, and conference speaker. She's also the host of a radio show and the author of several books, including Fractured Faith and the forthcoming Bible Study series, Mapping the Footsteps of God. Lina is a pediatric ER doctor who practices telemedicine and in her “spare” time, she provides medical care and humanitarian help to Syrian refugees and others in disaster areas. Learn more about her at LivingWithPower.org.
Follow on Insta: linaabujamraFollow on facebook: Lina AbujamraFollow on Twitter: @LinaAbujamra